dinsdag 17 februari 2009

Dear friends, family and other interested people,

herewith the kick off of my weblog. Already three weeks - very busy weeks - have passed since I left the Netherlands. After arrival I had to buy some new furniture and stuff for my appartment and off course start with my graduation assignment at the second of February. From now on I will try to update this weblog on a weekly basis.

I have divided the layout of the weblog in three parts. In one part you can read about my personal life: my "little" spare time (read = hate working hours), erkan, snow, rain, flowers, bees, trips and visits, pictures.. In the part called business, you can read about my daily activities at work and see some pics of the company and my collegeaus. The third part is mainly mentioned for the school mentor, with information about my assignment.

I hope I can keep you interested, I even more hope I can keep myself writing! Anyway you will soon hear more from me.

Goodbye for now, Gorusuruz from the wonderful white Istanbul!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Dear Lewiesa,

    I hope everything is OK in Turkey. I look forward to reading your future stories.

    Good luck,

    Joost Frencken

  2. Hi Lewiesa, I'm responding to your weblog just to check if it's working. I don't have a clue what the added value of this medium might be for our interaction, but we'll find that out. I promise to check your weblog every week and to react. Hope to hear from you soon.
    Best wishes, Han van Son.

  3. Hi Lewiesa, since I've heard where you live in Instanbul, I'm curious to see some photographic impressions. This weblog would be a perfect tool to add some athmosphere to the assignment...

  4. Dear Lewiesa,

    I hope that enjoyed the wedding ceremony/party.
    Maybe it is a good idea to put an update on your weblog?

    Kind regards,

    Joost Frencken
